Cultivo de olivos Andalucía- AMA RESIDENCES

The best products of Andalusia: Denominations of Origin that you must try

Andalusia is characterized as a region marked by culinary diversity and the quality of its local products. Its crops and local productions are the main protagonists in a gastronomy capable of conquering any palate. 

Numerous foods have designations of origin that are recognized nationally and internationally. These designations of origin are a guarantee of quality and authenticity of the products, and are a sign of the respect and appreciation that Andalusia has for local products and gastronomy.

Route through the foods with designation of origin Andalusian:

Among the products with designations of origin that currently exist, we find a wide variety ranging from olive oils, wines, cheeses and hams, to fruits, vegetables and legumes. Below, we will take a look at some of the most outstanding foods with designations of origin in this region:


Currently, Andalusia has two Protected Designations of Origin for Iberian hams and shoulders, the PDO ‘Jabugo’ and PDO ‘Los Pedroches’. 

The Denomination of Origin Jamón de Huelva, PDO ‘Jabugo’, protects an Iberian ham produced in the province of Huelva, which is characterized by its unique flavor and aroma, as well as its soft and juicy texture. This ham is produced with pigs fattened in freedom in the pasture and elaborated in natural cellars in the villages of Sierra de Aracena and Picos de Aroche, as we explain in our article Jabugo Route.

On the other hand, in the province of Córdoba, we find the Denomination of Origin of Los Pedroches. The raw material used to feed the Iberian pigs in the area are mostly centenary holm oaks and, to a lesser extent, cork oaks and gall oaks.

Corte jamón serrano


As we commented in a previous post,  in the province of Huelva you will find a wide variety of examples of high quality wine that are classified as Denominación de Origen (DO). The DO Condado de Huelva covers a wide area in the southeast of the province, exactly 17 municipalities. 

     The types of Huelva wines with DO are: 

  • White wines (Condado de Huelva Joven, Condado de Huelva and Condado de Huelva Tradicional).
  • Fortified Wines (Condado Pálido and Condado Viejo) 
  • Generosos de Licor (Pale Dry, Medium, Cream and Pale Cream).

It is worth mentioning the handmade vinegar of Condado de Huelva with a smooth vinous taste that is protected by the DOP Condado de Huelva.

The Jerez-Xérès-Sherry and Manzanilla de Sanlúcar appellations of origin are located in the province of Cádiz. With respect to the Jerez-Xérès-Sherry DO, the production area extends over eight municipalities in Cádiz and one in Seville, while the aging area is restricted to Jerez de la Frontera, El Puerto de Santa María and Sanlúcar de Barrameda. The suitable grape varieties are Palomino, Pedro Ximénez and Moscatel.


  • Fortified Wines (Fino, Amontillado, Oloroso and Palo Cortado).
  • Generosos de Licor (Pale Cream, Medium and Cream)
  • Natural Sweet Wines (Pedro Ximénez and Moscatel).

In relation to the Manzanilla de Sanlúcar DO, the production area and varieties are shared with Sherry, but its aging area is limited only to Sanlúcar. It is the climatic conditions of this area that differentiate it from the rest of the Sherry Wines. 


  • Vinos Generosos (Manzanilla).

The production area of Malaga Wines with DO is made up of 67 municipalities located in five geographical areas of production. Among these, we can differentiate two Denominations of Origin: Malaga and Sierras de Malaga. 

The DO Malaga is one of the best known for its sweet wines made with Muscatel and Pedro Ximenez grapes. 


  • Liqueur Wines (Naturally Sweet Wines, Masters and Tender). 
  • Naturally Sweet Wines.

The Sierras de Málaga DO is the only Andalusian appellation that includes red and rosé wines of the Romé, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Syrah and Tempranillo varieties and white wines of the Chardonnay, Macabeo and Sauvignon Blanc varieties, among others.


  • White wines
  • Rosés
  • Red Wines

Finally, we find the Denomination of Origin Montilla – Moriles. The climate of long dry summers and short winters and the grape variety Pedro Ximenez from the southern countryside of Cordoba gives rise to very unique wines that can not be overlooked. 


  • Fortified Wines (Fino, Amontillado, Oloroso, Palo Cortado).
  • Generosos de Licor (Pale Dry, Pale Cream, Cream and Medium)
  • Natural Sweets (Pedro Ximénez and Moscatel).

Olive Oil

Olive Oils with DO have the recognition of the quality and origin of these oils. It is the local characteristics, the production techniques, elaboration, tradition and cultivation, which differentiate them from each other. In Andalusia we have the following PDOs: 

  • Cadiz (PDO Sierra de Cadiz).
  • Córdoba (PDO Baena, PDO Montoro-Adamuz, PDO Priego de Córdoba and PDO Aceite de Lucena).
  • Granada (PDO Poniente de Granada and PDO Montes de Granada)
  • Jaén (PDO Sierra de Cazorla, PDO Sierra Mágina, PDO Sierra de Segura)
  • Malaga (PDO Antequera)
  • Seville (PDO Estepa).

The production of Andalusian extra virgin olive oil is committed to protecting the quality and preserving all the healthy and natural properties of its protagonist: the olive.

The olives are harvested directly from the tree at the perfect moment of ripeness and are milled in a maximum of 48 hours, in order to guarantee the maximum quality of the olives in the olive tree. The oil is stored in stainless steel tanks so as not to alter the properties of the oil. 

The production process is totally natural.  Both the production and the elaboration of extra virgin olive oils with Protected Designation of Origin must be carried out within the territorial scope of the Designation itself.

Malaga raisins 

Malaga raisins, which have a Protected Designation of Origin, are obtained by naturally drying the Muscat of Alexandria grape bunches in the sun. The designation of origin covers raisins produced in the Axarquia region and the sub-area of the western coast.

The drying of the grapes is carried out in the “paseros”, which are areas where the grapes are spread out for raisining, oriented towards midday with a minimum slope of 8%. Once dried, the bunches can be destemmed by hand, using a process known as ‘picado’. This tradition is what gives the raisins a superior quality that does not go unnoticed by the palate.

Honey from Granada

The province of Granada stands out for its important beekeeping production. The key to the quality of this product, for which it was recognized more than 20 years ago as a Protected Designation of Origin, lies in the way beekeepers move the panels from the peaks of the Sierra Nevada to the coast. In the spring, producers opt for the valleys and fertile lowlands, where they obtain a clear honey from species such as orange blossom and rosemary.

Honey from Granada does not require any additives or preservatives, which makes it a completely natural and unique food. Its numerous properties make this product a prestigious delicacy.

Custard apples from the Costa Tropical 

The climatic conditions in the south of Granada and Malaga facilitate the production of tropical fruits. The protected custard apples come from the varieties Fino de Jete and Campas. 

Among its properties, its high calcium content stands out, acting as an anti-calcareous in delaying bone aging, as well as enzymes that regulate stress and reduce much of the uric acid.

Aloreña Olives – Malaga 

In the interior of the province of Malaga, it is delimited by a mountain range that determines very peculiar climatological and edaphological conditions. The harvesting of this olive is done by “verdeo” or manual collection. Subsequently, they are split and placed in brine, which is the key to their success. After a few days in this brine, the olives are ready to be dressed. This product has a great relevance in the agri-food industry in Malaga.

As you can see, the denomination of origin marks the quality of the products of Andalucía that you can find in markets and restaurants all over the world. If you want to know more follow us on Social Media: